Posted April 2020

It comes as no surprise that Covid-19 is dominating the European Life Science market in 2020. Research and projects that are directly aiding the fight of the pandemic are being prioritised, creating immense opportunity for specialised professionals in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device sectors.
However, as international markets and the global economy are being shaken up, uncertainty over future economic outlook is causing financial struggles for many organisations leading to increased unemployment. All this can make the search for a new job in a time like this a challenge.
Whether you are actively looking for a new job or have decided to move, we have put together this guide to help life sciences professionals navigate these challenging times. Read on to discover how to hide, move or target to get your desired job without lingering for too long on the market.
This 16-page guide includes:
The benefits of going back to school and how to future-proof your skillset
Opportunities for life sciences professionals in other industries and the public sector
How to successfully identify, target and get your desired job
Complete the form below to download the full guide.
For personalised advice on finding a new challenge or changing roles by one of our specialised recruiters, don't hesitate to contact us.